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Mateo speaks Spanish. Grandma speaks English. They learn each other’s language while they have fun together. Read, listen, and learn along with them. All print and eBooks available for purchase on Amazon.
The Books
At the zoo, Mateo excitedly says, "Quiero ver los monos, por favor." Grandma misunderstands and takes him to see the tiger instead. Confusion ensues until they use a map to finally align on visiting the monkeys, much to Mateo's delight.
Mateo and Grandma are excited to go out to eat together. They struggle to communicate at the restaurant when he asks for his meal in Spanish. With the help of a bilingual patron, they overcome the language barrier and bond over yummy food.
Mateo and Grandma bond at the park by teaching each other the names of playground equipment in English and Spanish. When Mateo faces a bully, Grandma steps in with her translation app to help him navigate the situation. Together, they show that language barriers are no match for the power of understanding and kindness.
This summer, Mateo arrives at Grandma's house with a mission: conquer his summer homework project! But oh no, those English instructions are like a tricky puzzle. Luckily, Grandma and Mateo have a secret weapon—bilingual flash cards! Together, they turn the challenge into a fun game, learning new words and laughing along the way. Mateo not only finishes his assignment but also earns a sweet reward—ice cream with Grandma, the perfect ending to their adventure!
Every summer, Mateo excitedly packs his bags to visit Grandma in Cleveland, OH. But this year, something's different—Mateo feels a little homesick, missing his parents and best friend back in Mexico. Sensing his sadness, Grandma invites his American cousins over to play, filling the day with laughter and games. Then, she takes him to the cultural center, where Mateo meets new friends who speak Spanish just like him. They play, laugh, and share stories, and before long, Mateo's homesickness starts to melt away, replaced with joy and new adventures. Grandma's love and a few new amigos make his summer unforgettable!
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“Listening to the story while reading it reinforces the language and helps me learn.”
About the author
Grandma, Writer, Creative
Hi! My name is Louise. Mateo is my grandson. His mom and dad are bilingual. Mateo is learning both English and Spanish. I want to Aprende a hablar español too. Mostly, so I don’t miss out when I hear the kids calling dibs on the last chocolate chip cookie in Spanish. I created these books to help Mateo and I learn together.
I live near Cleveland, Ohio with my dog Suzy.